Jasmine Bruce
as Spot Conlon
Jasmine is excited to be preforming newsies with this wonderful cast. Newsies has been one of her dream ensemble shows, as the music and dance gives her a lively feeling. She admires the source material, the original Disney newsies movie, and wishes the stage show kept the "Go get em cowboy!" line, in carrying the banner.
Brady Sanford
as Mike
Brady is thrilled to be taking on the role of Mike in this production. He loves his family and is happy to share this theater experience with his dad. Brady is a paleontological enthusiast, a lover of compendium-style books, and can often be found jumping on his trampoline.
Zoe Le
as Ike
Zoe is ecstatic to be in her first Island Theatre production. She is 13 years old and adores performing. Some previous productions include Matilda (Lavender) and A Christmas Story (Randy). She thanks her family and friends for their support. And most of all, she thanks the cast and crew for the huge amount of work they’ve put in. She hopes you enjoy the show!
Emmalee Gurganus
as Ensemble
Emmee is excited to be a part of Newsies at the Island. This will be her third time participating in a Newsies production with her former roles being Davey and JoJo. She would like to thank God for her talent and her family for their support of her love for theater.