A Note From the Directors
The curse of humanity is our instinctual desire to form tribes. Indeed, our political divisiveness, our spiritual elitism and our endless bloody warfare all stems from tribal behavior on a massive, united scale. In many ways, on most days, we are no better than savages.
Lord of the Flies is an examination of who we are and why we are this way. It argues that no matter our privilege, no matter our education, no matter our upbringing, when faced with dire circumstances, we will quickly turn to brutish solutions.
Finding ten supremely talented boys to bring this story to the stage was a bit of crazy luck. The stars truly aligned for this one. We’re tremendously grateful for their skill and dedication. This is a deeply complicated story and this troupe, actors and technicians alike, were all ever-willing to take on the challenge. We are extremely proud of them.
For most of us, the world today seems to be teetering between the civilized and the uncivilized. This cautionary tale gives us a glimpse into what we might become if we’re not diligent. Beware.
- Tony & Tanna
A Theatre Near U Contributers
Thank you to all our wonderful Donors!
Farinaz Attarzadeh & Kambiz Hooshmand, Sarah Billington, Elvira Contreras, Karen Dehart, Scott & Kelly Emo, Claire Geber, Stephen & Teresa Godfrey, Don & Julie Herr, Pamela Herr, Richard & Valerie Herr, Bryan & Juliet Hobbs, Allen & Marge Kienitz, Bob & Kathy Lindstrom, Kendra Peterson, Carola & Juan Santos, Shaindlin Family, Mirjana Spasojevic, Neil Verwillow, Jeff & Kristina Vetter, Weissman Family, Marguerite Wilbur
A Special Thanks to Palo Alto High School Theatre, Monroe Middle School & Campbell Union School District for the lending of props & costumes. Thank you to the amazing Dan Nitzan for all of his tech help and wizardry, the incomparable Allen Guastavino for lending us equipment, and to the wonderful Diane Tasca, Norm Beamer, Betsy Craig, Jeanie Smith, and Ariel Aronica of The Pear Theatre for their support and guidance. We really appreciate it!
Thank you to Trader Joes & Hobees for their food donations!