Women of Character - April 12

Academy of the Sacred Heart

 Notes from the Heart 


I’d like to explain how this event fits into our third grade curriculum. Today’s presentation is the culmination of a larger unit of study on narrative nonfiction. Throughout the unit, students learn important reading and writing skills including researching, note-taking, summarizing, drafting, interpreting timelines, and organizing information.


Just as importantly, this project offers students the opportunity to develop global competencies as aligned with Sacred Heart’s global education curriculum. The women represented in today’s performance have lived and worked in countries across the globe and across varying time periods. Understanding each subject’s personal life and the historical context in which she lived encouraged students to recognize and value perspectives much different than their own.


Each student was asked to spend time reflecting on how her biography subject impacted the lives of others and on the unique qualities that she had, making her a person of character.


During the process of preparing for today’s performance, students did not simply memorize lines to recite. Students were asked to communicate with agility so that others can easily understand their message. Throughout rehearsals, students were given feedback on their communication strategies such as eye contact, emphasis, and projection. The goal is never on perfection but rather on the ability to take feedback and to make adjustments as best you can.


As students have learned from their biography subjects, being able to communicate your thoughts and ideas is of utmost importance. We are so proud of each student’s progress and hard work. Following the performance, we invite you to read the reports and reflections your daughters have written. They have truly stepped into the worlds of each of these women. Our hope is for our girls to change the world. What better way than to see real-world examples of women who have done just that.


-Amanda Collongues, Third Grade Teacher/LS Global Education Coordinator


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