Cinderella on Broadway - February 11 - February 13, 2016

Adairsville High School

 Special Thanks 

   We are extremely proud to have a combined middle and high school student cast and production crew! We feel quite fortunate to have had a whole team of directors, choreographers and an extended production crew all actively involved throughout the process in helping make the production come together. 


   It has been a privilege to be part of this musical adventure. We have watched students' self-confidence bud and bloom as they see themselves from new perspectives. We have seen them work together as a team, learn and demonstrate commitment and focus and, of course, have fun! Making the process of producing Cinderella an exciting, challenging but rewarding and memorable experience for the students has been our primary aim, and it is very rewarding to know that this has been the feeling among them as an ensemble. We believe all of these things are so vitally important towards shaping them as productive individuals. 


   Cinderella, or Ella, teaches us in this play that generosity and kindess are two of the most important things in life.  It is because of her own kindness and generosity that all her dreams come true.  We can only hope to learn from her so that we may touch the lives of those who are less fortunate than ourselves.  May you leave this show wanting to change the lives of those less fortunate than us and seeing the magic in every day life!


Rachel Queen, Director & Kathleen Landolt, Musicial Director



Special Thanks


   This production cost a large amount of money to bring to the stage including hundreds of volunteers hours and countless amounts of hard labor from many people that are behind the scenes that were involved. A special thanks goes to those “un-named” individuals who, without your help and support, this production would have never made it beyond script and concept.


A HUGE thank you goes to:

  • Mr. and Mrs. Timms of Vision Contractors, for building our carriage and beautiful set pieces, donating your time and money.  Your generosity continues to amaze us.
  • Brian McCleod, James Willis, and Lee Castro for especially composing our music for AHS Drama.
  • Rome Little Theater for allowing us to borrow some of the lighting and lending your expertise.
  • NorthPointe Church of Adairsville for lending us the music equipment.  Without your generosity and kindness our students would be unable to have such a wonderful production.

Thank you to the Adairsville High School Art Department under the leadership of Mr. Laney for assisting in the beautiful scenery that the crowd will enjoy throughout the show.  These students worked in class and after school to help make the show beautiful.


Thank you to the parents, teachers, and staff for all your assistance to our students during this tireless production we undertook.  It’s never easy, but it’s always worth it!



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