Love Letters by A.R. Gurney - February 12 - February 13, 2016

AfterSchool Arts LLC




Welcome to our fourth season and second year in our new home, the Dublin Grange Theatre, home of the AfterSchool Players, the area's only performing arts venue dedicated to "Theater For and By Kids." I am excited to say that we have been able to upgrade our light board and can now run all of our lights on one system. Kudos to Ellen Licitra for helping with this endeavor and always making us look good!


The proceeds from LOVE LETTERS will go towards the purchase of a handicap ramp and a theater AC unit. Those of you who were with us for A PIRATE'S LIFE FOR ME this past July know how crucial this is for the theatre!


To John, Brandy, Eric and Terri- Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being onstage tonight and sharing your wonderfulness with the world. I hope that I can return the favor to you in some way, some day.


I adore children's literature, as you may be able to tell from all of the shows we have done. So much of what I see in librarianship today tells me that younger people are not being encouraged to "use their imaginations." I will always encourage people of all ages to use their God-given talents and to stretch their abilities. 


Thank you for being here tonight, dear audience. We appreciate that you braved the cold weather and we hope to warm your hearts with a little bit of theater.


Happy Valentine's Day, by the way!


Sincerely yours,


Jen Kuczek



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