Rumpelstiltskin - January 22 - January 24, 2016

AfterSchool Arts LLC


Welcome to our fourth season and second year in our new home. I am excited to say that we have been able to upgrade our light board and can now run all of our lights from one system. Kudos to Ellen Licitra for helping with this endeavor and always making us look good! 


Our upcoming production of LOVE LETTERS is a Valentine's weekend fundraiser. We are still raising funds for a handicap ramp and a theater AC unit. Those of you who were with us for A PIRATE'S LIFE FOR ME this past July know how crucial this is for the theatre!


My goal for this program has always been "Theater for and by kids." I'm happy to say that with this production, we have added Lola Gordiejew (age 10) as our costume designer. She brings an eye for design and a certain flair that we were missing. 


Thanks also to Sami Vuksanovich, who enthusiastically volunteered to provide the artwork in the show. I was so excited about this that I asked her if we could use her original design for the program cover. I am still in talks with her agent, nailing down the details (laugh out loud!). This is another positive step towards our goal.


Theater can be a fun but arduous endeavor. I can tell you that this cast has worked so hard in bringing you this classic tale. Those of you who know me know that I adore children's literature; we wil continue to do this as long as you keep coming to see the shows! So much of what I see in librarianship today tells me that younger people are not being encouraged to "use their imaginations." I will always encourage people of all ages to use their God-given talents and stretch their abilities.


Thank you to the wonderful cast members who never cease to amaze me. Your hard work and dedication will carry you through any challenge you may face. Special thanks to Makenna Darby, who always impresses me with her unique and "out-of-the-box" ideas. To those artists who have been with me since the beginning, thank you for always sharing. To my "newbies," thank you for giving us a try. Thank you to Paige, Megan, and Madison for lending a hand and riding out tech week. And thanks to Stacy Anderson for being a great friend and colleague.


I said to a mom the other day that I hope I am around to see what her kids "will be." I really hope I can be around to see all the great things these kids will do, because they sure are doing wonderful things now!


Break a leg, cast and crew!


Thank you, families, for sharing your kids with us!


Thank you, audience, for braving the cold to be here!




Miss Jen 

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