August Love Loss and What I Wore - August 23

Aux Dog Theatre Nob Hill

 End Notes 

August 23, 2014
All of us at the Aux Dog Theatre Nob Hill are truly sorry this extraordinary series will soon be taking a final bow. 
What an incredible ride we, at the Aux Dog, have had over the past 12 months
with this incredible show and the warm, receptive, supportive audiences and the vibrant, 
funny, touching performances by 12 different casts of superb actresses.
Thank you for taking this 12 month journey with us.
A special thank you to Jessica Osbourne,  Aux Dog Theatre Artistic Associate, who has spearheaded this project over the past year. Jessica has been involved as actor, director or coach, sometimes all three, on all twelve shows. Thanks also to director, Joann Danella, who kicked it all off with a highly successful 5 week run in 2013.
Our final show will feature a totally fresh cast of actresses, many are new to the stage, some are seasoned and trained, and some are just natural talents, but all of them are terrific and charming! We've found new character nuances, yes even after 12 shows. We hope you enjoy this final show in our year-long marathon.
We'll never forget all the wonderful afternoons we've shared with you and we'll always remember Love, Loss and What I Wore. Now for our FINAL BOW!
Victoria Liberatori
Producing Artistic Director
Aux Dog Theatre Nob Hill & the X-Space
Love Loss and What I wore has been a pleasure and a challenge to curate but I am so pleased with how each month has shaped up. Each and every actor and director brought something new and different to this amazing show and what a joy to see how each individual's life experience can influence these incredibly well written pieces in so many varied, funny and touching ways. I shall miss this show and would like to thank each and every one who has been involved. It has been a delight to get to know so many different women and experience their performances. Thank you again and again from the bottom of my heart. Keep the passion of the theatre alive!
With love,
Jessica Osbourne
Artistic Associate
Aux Dog Theatre Nob Hill & X-Space

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