First Annual Choir Pop Show - May 17

B F Terry H S

   Concert Etiquette   

Singing Girl with MicrophoneVIDEOTAPING or other video or audio recording of this production is STRICTLY PROHIBITED, including the use of cameras, video cameras, cell phones, tablets, and other recording devices. The performers will be available for photos following the performance and recordings are on sale in the lobby.


LATECOMERS will not be admitted until a suitable break in the performance. Please enter and exit the hall when there are no performers on the stage.


PLEASE SILENCE all electronic devices, such as pagers, cell phones, and watch alarms, before the performance begins. Texting is not appropriate during performances.


RESPECTFUL SILENCE allows the audience and the performers to experience the full benefits of the performance. Unwrap cough drops before the show, and please do not talk, whisper, sing, hum, or rattle your personal belongings.


FOOD AND BEVERAGES are not permitted in the auditorium.


SMOKING is not permitted anywhere on the Terry High School campus.


RESTROOMS are located in the lobby as you exit the back of the auditorium.


IN CASE OF EMERGENCY please exit to the rear of the auditorium.


Boy Singer with MicrophoneCURTAIN CALLS – When applause begins at the end of a performance, you may hear members of the audience shouting “Bravo!” or “Encore!” This is perfectly acceptable and simply means “Well done!” Audience members may also stand (a “standing ovation”) when the performance is particularly noteworthy. Appreciation can also be shown by presenting flowers to the performers at the end of the production.


Thank you for these courtesies to our performers!

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