Several people have asked why I chose to produce The Play That Goes Wrong this semester. It doesn't seem to have the typical Barclay College Theatre themes of redemption, hope, and reconciliation. That is true. Although I have loved this play for several years, I never really thought about bringing it to the Barclay stage. I applied for licensing on a whim and was surprised when it was approved. It's like God just dropped it into my lap and said, "Go!".
When I began directing this show, I had no idea that the world would be in such turmoil during the production. I felt that we were finally coming out of the pandemic and that the world would soon be going back to "normal." Life has only become more complicated in the past few months.
As the cast and crew discussed this show and its meaning, we realized laughter is a beautiful gift. The chance to escape the world and its troubles for a few hours is exactly what we want to give to our audience.
We hope that you laugh. We hope you will create fond memories with those sitting next to you. We hope you can put the worries of the world behind you for just a little while. But most of all, we hope you know Jesus, who brings joy even in the midst of trouble.
Randi Shetley
Director of Fine Arts