Sweet Charity - March 07 - March 09, 2014

Barton Community Colllege


Barton Performing Arts would like to thank the following who have contributed
to this production:


Dr. Richard Abel, Dean of Academics


Barton Public Relations Deptartment


Barton Print Shop, Rita Andress & Rodney Knoblich


Barton Facilities Management


Amanda Schnoebelen 


Deb Reed


Julie Munden


Dan Williams (Missouri Southern State University)

Parr Sound and Light


Persnickety Flea Market


Great Western Dining Service, Inc.


Ellinwood High School


A.C.E. Lights


Mike Westerman


Doug Renard


Ty Mull





 Barton Community College extends a special thank you to the members of the pit orchestra for their musical talents. This production would not be possible without the cooperation of volunteers in all areas of the performance.





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