Disney's High School Musical JR. - February 09 - February 11, 2018

Beck Middle School


We would like to take a moment to thank those who help support our production and the magic of turning the Beck cafeteria into a theater for our show:


  • Beck Administrative Team- Mr. O'Connor, Dr. Morales, and Dr. Russo- for being a constant support to our program and our students.

  • Kathy Miller for answering all of our questions and being a stellar accountant.

  • Mr. Ray Hawthorne, Mr. John Doyle and the entire custodial staff for always being there to lend a hand and keep our cafeteria looking beautiful.

  • Coach Viereck and the Beck Wrestling Team & Coach Digeno and Weinstein and the Beck Basketball teams for being flexible and sharing their practice facilities.

  • The music department at Beck- Mr. Marr, Ms. Mandescu, Mr. Kain- for helping our students become well-rounded musicians and for also being flexible in sharing their rehearsal spaces.

  • To the faculty of Beck- who continually support our students with their academic and extracurricular pursuits.

  • And of course, the parents for all you do to make this possible.


With sincere thanks and appreciation,


Mrs. Muller, Mrs. Officer, Ms. Ruesch, Mrs. Foltz, and Mrs. Ennis


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