The Theory of Relativity - May 06 - May 09, 2021

Bethlehem Central High School

 Director's Notes  

The Theory of Relativity from Drama Desk Award nominees Neil Bartram and Brian Hill tells a story of human interconnectedness through a seemingly unconnected collection of songs and monologues. When searching for a musical that could be performed this year under unprecedented circumstances, I felt continuously drawn to this show. Perhaps it was the theme that spoke to me. After a year of lost human connection, maybe it was the one thing we had all missed the most.


I had the opportunity to speak to Neil Bartram who explained that all of the stories and circumstances depicted are based on actual stories of students that he and Brian spoke to when writing the show. He said how grateful he was to see so many productions performed at high schools and colleges around the country and that he hoped it continued to perpetuate the show’s message of empathy, inclusion, and understanding. He also hoped that some topics in the show would open a door to create a discussion point for students in an educational environment. He added, “in a very turbulent world, people are bonding with the themes of The Theory of Relativity and the importance of human connection.”


Being back on stage with the cast and crew has been the greatest part of putting this show together. I enjoyed every moment of walking into the theater and hearing the students sing live. I look forward to when we will all be together again because every show needs a live audience. It is quite arguably the most important ingredient. To quote one of the characters in Theory, “I exist only if observed.” But for now, let us celebrate getting to perform and share this story with you.


Thank you for joining us, and enjoy the show!


Amy Roos


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