Karen Rivas-Leon
as Margot & Sabrina
Karen is a Senior at BUHS. She loves everything that has to do with the performing arts. She is involved with the Dance Team, Marching Band, Honor Choir, and is the Vice President of Theatre Club. She enjoys choreographing and teaching! Post High School, Karen hopes to pursue an education in Forensic Psychology and help others further understand why crimes happen.
Teagan Orr
as Serena & Cashier
Teagan is a sophomore and Bishop High School. She enjoys acting and dancing. Last year she played Girl and Witch 2 in Theatre Club’s production of Brother’s Grimm Spetaculathon. In her free time she enjoys sleeping, skiing and not doing her school work.
Marley Hardcastle
as Pilar & Kiki
Marley is a freshman a BUHS. She loves acting and singing. Marley is a part of BUHS Honor Choir. she loves to paint and sew. Her favorite subject is English with Ms. Honrath. She would like to thank her best friend Kaiya Bradshaw, and her mother, Savannah Cole, for pushing her to do the play and keep up in school.
Georgia Gastelum
as Vivienne Kensington & Gaelen
Georgia is a senior at BUHS and President of Theatre Club. She has been involved in Theatre Club all 4 years of high school and plans to be in a theater program in college. She hopes to attend The Master's University to earn a BA in Liberal Arts, hoping to be an elementary school teacher. She is thankful for this awesome cast and for all theater has taught her.
Sophia Stanley
as Kate, Agrawal Sandeep Padamadan & Stylist
Sophia is a 9th grader at Bishop High. She enjoys music, interacting with others and having fun. She has never done theater before, so she has no past experience. Her favorite subject is English. Sophia enjoys the Percy Jackson book series and playing guitar. Mr. Mills is her favorite teacher.