Yiwen Wu
as Narrorator
Yiwen Wu is a scholar-artist. She is currently a PhD student at the University of Chicago, in the joint program between Theater & Performance Studies and East Asian Languages & Civilizations. Yiwen finds her passion in amplifying Asian voices on contemporary stages, from translations and adaptations of classical works to new plays that explore what it means to be Asian in modern America.
Wenke (Coco) Huang
as Puppeteer
Wenke (Coco) Huang is a PhD student in the joint program of TAPS and EALC at the University of Chicago. She graduated from Northwestern University with a B.A. in Performance Studies, and worked in Chicago and Beijing as a freelance dramaturg and director. As a scholar-artist, she is interested in the adaptations of classical myths and legends, dance and physical theatre, and puppetry.
Jinhee Kim
as Crankie Op/ Shadow Puppeteers
Jinhee Kim is a researcher interested in performance and memory. She is a recent graduate of MAPH at the University of Chicago in East Asian Languages & Civilization and Theater & Performance Studies. Jinhee is, surprisingly, happiest when rushing around backstage and her organization skills only make an appearance when stage managing.
Annie (Qianyi) Wu
as Crankie Op/ Shadow Puppeteer
Annie (Qianyi) Wu is a master student in humanities at the University of Chicago. She is interested in the reception of Greek literature and drama in Sinophone regions. She’s also interested in women and gender studies and critical theories. In the spare time, she loves watching films and anime.
Lorenzo Goehr
Live Musician & Composer