Mary Poppins - August 11 - August 12, 2017

Center Place Christian Theatre

 Director's Note 

Thank you for your support of CPCT and this prouction of Mary Poppins.


Mary Poppins is a sweet story that reminds parents to be present and invested in their children's lives, treasuring the time that passes so quickly.  Sometimes we get caught up in society's expectations and the things we need in life.  Mr. Banks struggled with these pressures, but realized with Mary Poppin's and Bert's help, that he was out of baance, neglecrtful of family relationships, and forgot what it was like to be childlike.  Matthew 18:3 reminds us that we should be like children, 


Whosoever, therefore, shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.  And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name, receiveth me."  In Mosiah 1:120, we are reminded that to become as a child is to be "submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, and willing to submit, as we should submit our will to our Heavenly Father.


Mary Poppins says that anything is possible.  So even though all families have the potential to be "upside down" at times, with Jesus Christ at the center of our homes as Philipians 4:13 states, "I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me."  


We hope this presentation reminds you of the joys of family and the importance of being kind one to another. 


Remember:  "If you reach for the heavens, you get the stars thrown in!"  So, be optimistic because "anything can happen if you let it!"





It takes so many people to put on a production, and we thank each person who was involved in making Mary Poppins a success!


  • Thank you to an amazing production staff and board of directors who volunteer their time and invest in CPCT and its participants.  You use your giftedness to bless others
  • Thank you to our fantastic orchestra for sharing your God-given talents and for making our musical, musical!
  • Thank you to all of the participants (both onstage & off) from the most experienced to the “newbie.”  Your participation is valuable and you have worked together with singleness of purpose, anxiously engaged in a good cause to make something beautiful.  You & your families also provide a shining example of putting aside differences in beliefs, to work together in love and unity.
  • Thank you to Living Hope Restoration Branch, Devon Park JCRB Branch, Center Place Restoration School & The Remnant Conference Center for your kindness in allowing us to use your facilities for rehearsal and audition spaces!
  • Thank you to all of our sponsors and donors.  Thank you for your kind and generous donations!  We couldn’t do this without you!
  • Thank you to Liberty Performing Arts Theatre! What a beautiful venue and helpful staff!
  • Thank you to Blue Springs South High School, City Theatre of Independence & Center Place Restoration School for the loan of costumes, props & set pieces!
  • Thank you to A-Z Theatricals & Music Theatre International for all of your assistance.   
  • Thank you to you our audience, for coming and supporting Center Place Christian Theatre.  Remember to check our website frequently for upcoming productions and fundraisers


  • Most importantly, we give thanks to our Heavenly Father, who is the giver of all good gifts!  All honor and glory to Him who makes all things possible!

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