Thoroughly Modern Millie - May 26 - May 27, 2017

Centerstage Academy

 Director's Note 

There may need to be some clarification of the word "modern." 


Modern: (adjective) relating to the present or recent times as opposed to the remote past.


Our protagonist begins her journey by throwing off the expectations of her old-fashioned hometown and fitting herself into the idea of the 1920s modern woman. Millie finds herself constantly caught at odds with these two conflicting schools of thought and eventually discovers that the most modern way of moving forward is to form her own identity somewhere in the middle.



Most of our cast is in middle school and entering the years essential to forming their own identities. I hope that long after they have forgotten those crucial lines, that tap number, and the melody of those catchy songs - they recall the teachings of this fun musical: you must be true to your heart and yourself; follow the advice from trusted mentors; money isn’t everything; and never take green tea from people with obviously fake accents.



Ms. Celeste, Ms. Danielle, and I are extremely proud of this group. They have surpassed our expectations. They have memorized their lines in record time, watched their choreography videos and practiced until it was perfect, performed complicated harmonies and engaged in the depths of emotions that they have not experienced themselves. This is an exceptional troop of actors and we are delighted to be their teachers.



Enjoy the show,


Dani Doster




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