Elizabeth Messina - June 27

Charles E Brown Middle


It is hard to believe we started teaching together 33 years ago. Not only did you help me survive my first couple of years teaching, but you guided me through my 20's - especially my 25th when we celebrated mid-morning during our "prep" time;). So many memories. The big ones like weddings, births, and mitzvahs. And the little ones like watching GH, Wellfleet visits, and the orange team! Looking forward to making more memories now that you have more time. Enjoy the next chapter! Lot's of Love, Nancy Tauber


Robin - So happy for you! Newton's loss but your gain. I didn't think I'd feel this way, but retirement is wonderful! Lots of time to exercise, drink beer and .. do more exercise. Seriously, you're going to love it! Let's get together for coffee one morning soon! Love, Greg Hurray


Robin, Congratulations on your retirement and may you enjoy lots of theater and travel in the coming years! - Carlton Doctor


You have waited a long time for this, so enjoy every moment. Always remember how many lives you touched over the years in so many beautiful ways-including mine. Love, Patricia Barry


Robin, you so warmly welcomed me as the new kid at Brown in 2020. You have always been here for your colleagues with advice, a oft-needed "reality check" on our thinking, and words of appreciation and kindness. You've taught me to see multiple sides of so many students; thank you. A small sampling of the pearls of wisdom left for me that continue to hold sway include:
- Grade it now or you'll hate yourself later
- Yep, I'm pretty sure this hallway conversation counts as our afterschool meeting today
- Interesting... No, that kid never drove me nuts; [they] are an incredible actor!
Happy, well-earned retirement, Robin! - Brent Ruter



Thanks for being my friend and colleague at Brown! I will always remember our days of laughter - funny stories and moments in class. Thanks also for being there to listen in the hard times too. You have a huge heart and care so much for everyone. Looking forward to hanging out with you in your well earned retirement. Now time to do only the things you love! - Elizabeth Messina


Thanks so much for all the generations of teaching and organizing you have done for us! Wishing you a wonderful retirement. - Freya Munchi


Ms. Miller,
Thank you so much for guiding us as we learned how to manage stage crew for the spring play. We are forever grateful for the opportunity and experience of working with you. You always have such a presence on stage and off the stage, and a knack for knowing just how to direct a large group of loud middle schoolers. Thank you for three amazing years and three amazing shows.  We hope you enjoy your retirement,
Katy Krintzman, Summer Montgomery , and Becca Morrow

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