The Retail Song Cycle: A Concert Reading - June 07

Communal Pancake Performing Arts

 End Notes 

A Note From The Writer:


In the summer of 2009, I was recovering from one of the most intense, eye-opening, and humiliating experiences of my life. That winter in a Cabaret Performance, I premiered the first song that had been written to express my frustration and encapsulate the universal problems and delusions about humanity that I had discovered that previous year: needless to say, that one song didn't cover it.



The Retail Song Cycle is based on actual events, actual interactions, and actual retail experiences. The named characters are based on actual people and every time a customer is represented on stage, the words are directly quoted from years worth of notes, research, and transcriptions. While watching this amalgam of realism and theatricality, remember that reality is stranger than fiction, that life by its very nature is surreal, and that where human beings are, terrible things can happen.


Also, please bear in mind that this is the third of many readings and workshops to help develop and shape this new musical. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Please visit or and leave a note.





This play is dedicated to my amazing wife, whose endless support and love has made this production possible and whose endless patience, guidance, inspiration, and memory have helped create not only this show, but my catharsis.



This play is also dedicated to my loving family without whom, I would not be who I am and wouldn't have the courage to create.



Finally, this play is dedicated to anyone who has ever worked Retail. It is an experience that will profoundly change who you are, what you believe, and how you cope. This is for you.


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