The first ever CUMEP Theater Intensive and the resulting musical would not have been possible without the generous donation of resources and time of several people in our community. We'd like to extend special shout-outs to:
- Mrs. Daphne Shululu, Fine and Performing Arts Director for the Ithaca City School District. Thank you for opening Kulp Auditorum for us each morning and making sure we ahd everything we need.
- Mr. Natty Simson, Drama Teacher at Lehman Alternative Community School. Thank you for being our technical director this week and pressing ALL the buttons!
- Mr. Stephen Brookhouse, Technical Director of Kulp Auditorium. Thank you for giving us access to Ithaca High School's vast prop library.
- "Mama Fern" Morgan, Secretary and Mama Bear at Southside Community Center. Thank you for picking up our actors and transporting them to camp this week. We knew they were in safe hands with you!
- Ms. Sharon Payne, Cook and Nutrition Director at Southide Community Center. Thank you for helping feed our cast and cooking us hot and delicious lunches each day.
- Ms. Resana Malone, Program Coordinator and Nutirion Assistant at Southside Community Center. Thank you for arriving early each morning and bring us a heathy and filling breakfast every day.
- Mr. Fe Nunn, Co-Founder and Visionary of CUMEP. Thank you for your guidance and wisdom over the past 20 years. We love you!