The Canonical Five of Jack the Ripper - November 20 - November 23, 2014

Creative Arts Theater

 Note From the Director 

After directing 12 Angry Men, I knew I wanted to find something in the Ripper genre.  I wanted something dark.  I wanted something with some bite and emotion.  Big thanks to Larry Johnson (Juror #11) for finding information on this play and emailing Aaron Kopec.  Aaron sent us a copy of his play and this was just what I was looking for.  He was happy we wanted to produce it and gave us license to make any changes necessary.  Then came auditions and casting.  I was very fortunate to have such talented people come and audition for roles just based on the play description.  I needed women who could give us the emotion and bring these women to life in front of you.  I needed men who could portray people who were actually suspects in the murders.  They all researched their roles and brought so much of these characters with them to rehearsals.  They put so much of themselves into the roles as rehearsals continued.  Thank you to this wonderful cast and an incredible crew for giving us this peek into the private lives of these people.  Thank you to Aaron Kopec without whom this would not have been possible.  Thanks for being brave enough to make this about the victims. 


Hopefully when you leave, you will want to learn more about the people you see tonight.  In keeping with the dark theme and emotions of the show, the cast decided there would not be a curtain call.  Please feel free to express your feelings at the fall of the curtain.  The cast will be available in the lobby after they change.



Thank you,

 Tim Glisson 

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