YPE Anything Goes - May 06

Dana Middle School

 Director's Notes 





What could be better?  A terrific script, choreography by Tamara Smith, a superbly talented cast, and songs by Cole Porter!  Again, I feel so lucky to be able to direct Dana Musical Theatre's annual production, "Anything Goes."

        I can't give enough thanks to the many parents who showed up on Saturdays, took sewing home, ran to the hardware store, shuttled kids to Gulls' games, and donated cash to the cause of musical theatre at Dana.  I am always overwhelmed by the enthusiasm parents show for the extra million little jobs that need to be done.

        And what a year this has been.  The Dana community was thoroughly proud of your children as they stood under a slide of the French flag at our Winter Revue, just a few days after the terrorist attacks in Paris, singing "Do You Hear the People Sing" from the musical adaptation of Victor Hugo's Les Miserables.  Then, the National Anthem at a Gulls' game, in front of over 11,000 people!  Then, we were invited back and got to add "God Bless America" into the mix, in front of another 10,000!  Now this.

        So, tonight they will sing, dance, act, and some will even tap.  They'll go home and some will cry that it's over, while others will pledge to themselves that they'll never get up on stage again as long as they live.  I hope they've all learned what can happen when a group of people works together towards a common goal.  I hope they will be a bit more confident when they have to present themselves, whether on what Irving Berlin called the "wicked, wicked stage," or in a classroom, or in a job interview.

        So thanks to the parents. Thanks to Dana's administration and staff for their unwavering support.  Thanks to my wife, Linda, for her work on the show and her support of the zillion tasks at hand, and to my daughter, Elizabeth for her scenic artistry.   But most of all, thanks to the kids, for wanting to be here doing this for you. 

        Enjoy the show.


Bill Cobb




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