Sister Act - April 07 - April 09, 2017

Deerfield-Windsor School

 From the Director 

Choosing a spring musical is always a difficult decision. What will students be excited to perform? What will audiences want to see? Do I have the students to fulfill the cast requirements? Can we pull it off? And this year was no exception. I knew going into the decision that I had a large number of female actresses and very few guys after last year's graduating class. What show has a million girl parts and very few guys? Let me tell you, they are few and far between. 


Sister Act was the logical choice. The movie is hilarious and there are tons of girl parts, plus there can always be one more nun. I had seen it on Broadway and fell in love with the music, and while it is not the original Whoopie Goldberg score, the new music is so much better. It was a nobrainer, but I hit one snafu. The musical was not available for licensing yet, and MIGHT be available in Fall 2016. MIGHT.


Disappointedly, I returned to the drawing board. I found a few possibilities, but nothing seemed as right for this year as Sister Act. However, with no guarantee of the release date, I grudgingly made a back up choice and prepared to apply for the license the next morning.


But here is where divine intervention stepped in. The next morning as I was getting ready for work, getting ready to head to school and send in a contract for a different show, I checked my email, and there it was: the email that said "Sister Act is now availabe for licensing." I squealed in delight, startling my dogs, and my day started out bright. Later, I saw on Facebook that someone had posted the video of "Oh Happy Day" from Sister Act 2. I couldn't have received any clearer sign. It was time to do Sister Act the musical.


And done it, they have. These students, especially our nuns, have risen to a huge challenge. The music in this show is challenging and abundant, and they have made a "habit" out of putting their all into the show. They were at numerous rehearsals and dance sessions until they know this show inside and out, and I couldn't be prouder of what they have created to share with you. 


I must thank all of my cast and crew for balancing school, sports, dance, church, and more on top of four rehearsals a week without (much) complaint. My seniors have taken such leadership roles, setting amazing examples for our younger actors, and they all will leave our stage a little less bright when this show closes. 


In addition, I must thank the follwing people: my mom and dad, Dianne and Bill Giddens, as they have helped me run rehearsals, build and paint our sets, run our sound, and support me in my artistic decisions; Casey Perkins for his amazingly creative dances every show; Laura Goode for directing and teaching our plethora of music; Marie Knight and Karen Richter for continuing to be my prop and costume mistresses, long after their children have left our program; Dot Knepp and Dona Lynn Goodpasture for taking care of our financials and fundraising; Jennifer Ricks and Lynn Williams for always heading up our ticket sales so I don't have to even think about it; and Kelli Roberts and Beth Collier for handling publicity and our cast party, respectively. You ladies and gentlemen are invalubale to our program, and I really couldn't do it without you. 


So with no further ado, I ask that you sit back and relax, and just TRY to not walk out of here singing one of our songs! Welcome to Sister Act!


Lindsey Stewart

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