And Then There Were None -

Francis Howell Central High

 End Notes 

“Very few of us are what we seem ”. - Agatha Christie


Our fall show, And Then There Were None, was written by Agatha Christie in 1939 and considered her masterpiece. It has sold more than 100 million copies and one of the world’s best-selling mysteries of all time. Most of the students have read this novel as a requirement in middle school. When coming up with ideas for the fall play, this show has come up year after year and I know many students have been wanting to work on this production for awhile. I am so pleased that we get to finally work on this nail biter of a show. When I read the script, I was instantly pulled in and thought it would be very different for our department and a very fun challenge.


Being 9 months pregnant as we finish the details for the show has made things interesting! What is so wonderful is that I have a team of students and parents that have helped in so many ways. I love that our students have so much ownership in our department and that they take pride in that fact. I always am so proud of them, but this show is a fantastic example of them being courageous and showing their talent. From acting with accents and looking at these characters in depth to crews and our production staff creating this world around the characters, the students have impressed me on so many levels.


It is always fun to see the journey of starting with ideas and then they grow and blossom into what you see before you. Pretty amazing that students between 14 and 18 years old are the workers in front of and behind the curtains. They are so talented and I love how passionate they are about everything they work on. I am truly lucky to have them all in my life and work with them on a daily basis.


To all of you that have supported me and my students in many ways especially these last couple of weeks, thank you!


Thank you to our parents and especially our SPOT officers as they continually give so much to the students through feeding them and supporting them in so many ways. Every show I am impressed more and more of what our students have as a finished product. We thank you for being supportive and seeing our shows. We are grateful to share our production with you!


-Cori Stallard


FHC Theatre Director and Manager


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