The Simulation and Walker and Clint are on the Case! - April 22 - April 23, 2022

Freedom High

 End Notes 

The Simulation - Nikita Shah

Being able to write and direct “The Simulation” is a spectacular opportunity, and a new side of Freedom Theatre that I’ve never gotten to experience before! I have always had a passion for writing and being able to create and tell my own story to a wider audience. I started writing “The Simulation'' in my Theatre II class and was able to develop a deeper story throughout the class. By slowly improving the show little by little, I created a script that I was truly proud of and was thrilled to find out that I would be able to share my hard-work with others in my community.


Directing has been one of the most amazing experiences, and has definitely allowed me to grow as a leader among my peers. I loved being able to watch my vision come to life, and grow closer with those in the department. Although this hectic process can be stressful at times, I thoroughly enjoyed getting to work with such a fantastic group of people who allowed me to express my creative vision. Also, being able to take all the knowledge I know from acting and executing that through directing has been a wonderful experience too. Due to our small cast, we’ve been able to create a close knit bond with one another and tend to enjoy a game of Zip Zap Zop at the end of each rehearsal!


“The Simulation” tells the story of a teenage girl who is rebelling against her society and fighting for what she believes in. She faces some challenges along the way, but this story embraces the true meaning of determination and standing up for yourself; no matter how cruel the consequences may be. I want to thank my incredible cast, fellow directors, wonderful mentor, and my friends and family for the endless amounts of support. I’ve loved being able to bring this show to life, and I hope you enjoy it!


Walker and Clint are on the Case! - Simoni Behl

Walker and Clint are on the Case! is a play about a missing necklace, but besides its mystery, there is also a genuine friendship between a detective and his assistant that forms as the play progresses. The plan for this show was to create suspense, but also it was to highlight how giving everyone a chance can be for the best, as Clint proves to Detective Walker. Although I was not the writer of my play, I still had my fair share of drastic changes throughout the entire process. I had a vision in my head and tried to bring it to life the best I could, but the show would not be nearly as spectacular as it is if it weren’t for my cast.


 Despite the moments of stress during the rehearsal process, the overall experience was incredible and being surrounded by such energetic and excited people constantly made this show quite a memorable one! Their dedication and passion for theatre has made my experience as director more like fun and less like work. Every student brought in their talents and made my show better than I had ever imagined and I can’t wait for everyone to see all of the cast and crew showcase their hard work! 


Freedom Theatre has provided me with a ton of opportunities and experiences throughout my time in the department. However, directing has revealed a completely new perspective of theatre for me. It has allowed me to create a show written by a peer and make it come to life using my imagination. This opportunity has allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and take on a new leadership position. A big part of this experience was decision making and I constantly had to decide things that I had never considered. I know that I’ll remember this show as the show I once created back in the spring of ‘22…!

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