Wallops Most Wanted and Miss Fortune's Misfortunes - February 09 - February 11, 2023

Freedom High

 end notes 

Wallop's Most Wanted - Eliza Varanelli (Director)


When given the opportunity to write, I take it with an excitement that doesn't present itself in anything else that I do. So, when I was told in Theater 2 that we would be writing our own plays, I was ecstatic over the opportunity to combine the two things that I'm the most passionate about. I like to believe that Charlie and Pierre, as well as the other flawed yet loveable characters in Wallop’s Most Wanted, created themselves, and I consider myself very lucky to have been a part of their journey. Whether that be pretending to be girl scouts, hunting down a crime boss, or arguing for no good reason, they’ve shaped me in ways that I never could’ve imagined possible.


As much jealousy that I get from seeing my peers perform these shows, directing has been an experience I wouldn’t give up for anything. When you direct a show, you begin to notice tiny details and sympathize with the hard work and dedication that goes into putting on a production. I like to think that I’ve come a long way as a director, and I thank assistant directing A Midsummer Night’s Dream for giving me some of the skills I wouldn’t have known otherwise. However, nothing could’ve prepared me for how proud I would feel of my cast when the process came to an end. 


Wallop’s Most Wanted, as dramatic and comedic as it is, digs deep into how important it is to understand others’ perspectives, and how respect plays a crucial part in helping others achieve their purpose. I hope that you find entertainment in this heartwarming story that I’ve been so lucky to share with not only my peers, but now you. Thank you so much, and enjoy!



Miss Fortune's Misfortunes - Lee Crumbliss (Director)


Directing has been one of the most exciting experiences I've had in theatre. I have spent countless hours doing theatre at Freedom, but nothing I’ve done has been as challenging as directing. Having to make decisions about things I’ve never even thought about before and bringing a show from just a script to the stage was terrifying but also incredibly rewarding. 


While the rehearsal process was chaotic and very stressful, I still looked forward to every rehearsal, getting to see my cast's hard work and excitement was so special. I also appreciate how much support I got from them and my Assistant Director through the whole process. 


Even though I did not write my show, I’d like to think that I brought a unique vision that I made come alive thanks to everyone who helped me along the way. Miss Fortune's Misfortunes is a thrilling mystery about a group of friends doing research about their town when they get enthralled in the disappearance of the famed fortune teller Clara Fortune. The friends face many obstacles both physical and mental but in the end learn that everything is not always as it seems.


Miss Fortune's Misfortunes - River Fink (Assistant Director)


As an actor, I have been on stage and performed for a large audience. However, I have never had the experience of assistant directing a show before. I have always had a dream of taking my ideas for a production and putting them on stage. Being able to assistant direct Miss Fortune's Misfortune by Ava Allen has given me this opportunity! 


Assistant directing has been an incredible experience, and has definitely allowed me to grow as a person and leader. I loved being able to put my ideas on stage and watch my vision come to life. I was also able to grow closer with those in the department. Although it was stressful at times, the people I worked with really helped me get through my stress and I am so grateful for that. Additionally, being able to take all the experience I gained from acting and executing it through assistant directing has been a wonderful experience too. I never thought that acting experience would help me so much while assistant directing. 


I want to thank my director, Lee, for being extremely supportive and always prepared in every situation. I also want to thank my ensemble, mentor, and other directors for also being extremely supportive. I appreciate all the hard work everyone has put into these productions and can not express how happy I am that I was able to work with everyone. Thank you so much, and I hope you enjoy every production!







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