Jesse Breazeale - Oracle - April 10 - April 11, 2018

Greer Middle College Charter



Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come see ORACLE tonight. I want to talk a little bit about this show's inception, and also send some thanks to the folks that helped make this happen.


I am a senior at Greer Middle College Charter High School, and every single senior attending this great school must complete a Senior Project. That means we must spend the entire school year creating a product by researching a topic and proving a learning stretch.


This is my product.


I have been performing magic for close to eight years, and I knew that I wanted to create a project in the theatre for the past two. Back in August, I became a senior, meaning I would begin the long process of Senior Project. My first proposal of this show was accepted, and work began immediately.


I took on most of the roles of a production myself; I wrote, directed, choreographed, managed advertising, scouted venues, and did graphic design. This was to make up for my prior experience in magic, otherwise I would not have a learning stretch to prove.


Writing began back in October, and before I knew it, I had 60 pages of dialogue and stage directions. I don't think I have ever written that much in one month. That, however, was only Act I. One month later, the entire script was completed. A behemoth of paper was now the most important thing for my project.


Rehearsal comprised of me in an empty room talking to myself for nearly an hour every day. I can't even imagine what someone would think if they were to walk in on me staring at a wall and flailing my arms at an imaginary audience member named Tim. Sorry to any Tim's out there, by the way.


It wasn't all talking to myself, though. I had an amazing crew made up of volunteers that were very excited about the project. It was also a lucrative way to gain service hours, so there was that too. We met every other week to discuss the show and to run through the show. The person taking your ticket, the people helping you to your seat, and those wearing all black on stage are all volunteers. Give them some major props before you leave, please.


Anyway, I want to thank you personally for supporting the arts. Live theatre has had a bit of a "rebirth" over the past two years, and more people are participating in the art than ever before. Although this show is not a traditional play or musical, I hope to have some sort of impact with this show similar to one.


Take your seat, relax, and please turn off your cell phone. Hope to see you out there tonight.




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