Guys and Dolls - March 30 - April 01, 2017

Harborfields High School




Many members of the HF family have been instrumental in bringing this production to the stage.  We would like to thank Mr. Russo, Dr. Goldstein-Scherr, Mr. Patronaggio, Dr. Manning, Dr. Ianni and the Board of Education for fostering an environment where creative expression is valued and celebrated.  Thanks to Mrs. Vita, Ms. Williams, and Mrs. Psilakis for helping us to keep our theatre company running efficiently.  Thank you, Mr. Woodward, for dedicating your time and talents to building our set.  Thank you to the art department and the AP Art and Art Honor Society students who helped us with posters and promotional materials. This production would not have been possible without the help of Mr. Rich Lafountain, Mr. Kevin Flynn, and the rest of the amazing custodial staff.  Thank you to the PTSA for getting the word out.  Thanks also to the music department for sharing rehearsal time and space, and talent.  A special thanks to all of the HTCo. parents for their support.  Finally, thank you, dear audience, for entering our world and helping to keep the magic alive.




Gianna Masi: You're already in four other orchestras, what's one more to help out the HTCo?  I'm sure they appreciate your beautiful cello playing, as we all do.  Congratulations to everyone involved in the production of "Guys and Dolls"!

Love, Mom & Dad


Samantha Kudler: To our "doll" Samantha, we are so proud of you.  You'll always be our shining star!

Love, Mom & Dad


Allison Magnus: Stars shine brightest in the dark!

Love, Mom, Dad, Emma & Teddy


Emma Magnus: Yes.

Love, Mom, Dad, Alli & Teddy


Finn MacDevitt: Loved sharing your journey.



Finn MacDevitt: So fitting that your first play ever was Guys and Dolls at the age of 7, and you're ending your HS theatre career with Guys and Dolls.  I loved watching them both, and everything in between.  Excited for your future.

Love, Mom


Finn MacDevitt: You've come a long way from I. Ketcham, kid!  Couldn't be more proud of you, little bro.  While we'll miss the shows at HHS, can't wait to say "We knew him when..."  Go get 'em!

Love You, Meg & Tim


Finn MacDevitt: To our awesomely talented brother and uncle - you've come a long way since your dog catching days!  We will miss seeing you on this stage, but we can't wait to see where you go from here.  Break a leg, we love you!

Micki, Ryan, and Callan



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