Disney's Beauty and the Beast JR. - March 19 - March 21, 2020

Holy Spirit Regional Catholic School


As we approach the stage to prepare for the play,

We will follow You in all we do and say.

We have put on our costumes and stage faces.

Please be with us as we take our places.


We are performers, so as we prepare,

We will give You the glory; that is our prayer.

Guide our memory to help us remember the lines,

to look for the cues and follow the signs.


Whether it's drama, a comedy, or a monologue part, 

Our actions will follow You from the start.

It doesn't matter if it's broadway or a senoir act,

We are there for each other, that is our pact.


Let our parents be proud of our acting and play,

and the crowd yell "bravo!" in a respectable way.

We thank everyone involved in the production,

From actors and designers of stage construction.


When we are tired and exit center stage,

We are aware that each event turns another page.

Help us always follow Your golden rule

As we follow our dreams when we leave our Blessed school.


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