Avenue Q - April 04 - April 06, 2013

Hood College Student Musical Theatre


As I sit down to write this note, it’s hard to know where to begin. When I came to Hood, I was a bit shellshocked to realize there were no musicals to be found. I was raised on musical theatre; I needed jazz hands and flashy production numbers like others needed oxygen.


Now, looking back, I realize that co-founding Hood College Student Musical Theatre was truly the defining moment of my college career. As life so often goes, I got much more than I bargained for: amazing leadership experience; opportunities to direct, choreograph, perform, and produce; and a co-founder-turned-fiancé. (What a great deal, right?)


Today, nearing graduation, I am humbled by the support HCSMT receives from the Hood and Frederick communities. The organization has truly grown by leaps and bounds: from sold-out, bare-bones cabarets with our loyal advisor Dr. Verzosa hammering away on the piano, to full-scale musicals that are eagerly anticipated.


HCSMT, in many ways, has been this Management major’s hands-on, three-year capstone. In fact, I will be pursuing an M.F.A. in Performing Arts Management come the fall, a path I could never have realized without HCSMT. No matter where I go and what I do, my proudest moment may well be that first standing ovation to a jam-packed house... not just because I was onstage, but because I got to look around and think We did this.


Avenue Q, raunchy though it may be, is a show with heart. We connect to these puppets on multiple levels: first and foremost, there is pure nostalgia for our bygone Sesame Street days. (Remember when the Cookie Monster ate actual cookies and not vegetables?)


But, as we ready ourselves to face life after Hood, we empathize with Princeton, who is just trying to find his purpose in life. We connect with Kate, who maintains her sense of self while looking for love; and Rod, who is trying to make peace with who he really is. I love each of these characters, felt and flesh, and hope you will too. I encourage you to let this story move you to laughter, tears, and then laughter again.


The amazing thing about Avenue Q is that you learn something new each time you watch Princeton's struggle and laugh along, agreeing that some days it does "suck to be me." I continue to be amazed by this cast's talent and versatility. (Just a friendly reminder that only one of them has prior puppeting experience... I'll leave you to guess who!) I left rehearsal each day having learned something new, perhaps the greatest memory I will have of this experience. Thank you, thank you, thank you to my wonderful cast and crew. I'd make you all mix tapes if I could just find the time!


“Everything in life is only for now,” and while I am saddened to leave, I know that HCSMT will thrive in the hands of its incredibly capable next President, Travis Gilbert. (Seriously, if he can work a puppet's arm and mouth and be incredibly expressive at the same time while singing and dancing, what can't he do?) There's no one else I'd rather trust with the organization I've come to think of as my (albeit slightly fussy) child.


Special thanks go out to my family and the Lewis family for their unwavering support, Teresa and Scott Case for their optimism and fantastic set-building skill, Elaheh and Will for their willingness to put up with me, my exec board for their constant assistance, and Billy for being there from day one. I will be endlessly grateful to the Hood College SGA for their financial assistance, Lynn Staininger for her flawless music direction and wit, and - of course -

Dr. Verzosa for his capacity to believe in two starry-eyed students who

“just wanted to make musicals.”


Ashley Birdsell
Director, "Avenue Q"

President and Co-Founder, Hood College Student Musical Theatre

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