2022 One-Act Festival - April 29 - April 30, 2022

Huntington University

 Director's Notes 

A Note from the Director of Tracks


One thing I focused on a lot in the rehearsal process for this show was connection. I think it can be very easy to overlook the humanity in a show that is as philosophical as Tracks is. But to ignore the flaws and strengths of the characters would be to do the art a massive disservice. I am personally of the opinion that connections and caring are large parts of what make us human, and also what makes good art. To use a cliché for my purpose, no man is an island. We all change because of each other and change each other, and I wanted to emphasize our human need for connection, especially when circumstances are hard to understand.


This show is a reminder that what we do cannot be undone, but also that our mistakes don’t have to define us. We can move on. Become better, more caring, more humble, more insert positive quality, people than we were or even thought we could be if we allow ourselves the same grace we afford others and, conversely, remember that everyone else is living a life just as complex as we are which means they can and will mess up too.


I hope that this show encourages you to consider what it is to be connected in the way only humans can be.


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