The Addams Family - April 27 - April 29, 2023

Indianola High School


So many people deserved to be thanked for their time, efforts, donations, and support through this crazy season!


Parents of performers and crew members - Thank you for supporting your student through the thick and thin of this long and tedious rehearsal season.



Thank you for supporting the arts across the district!

  • Ted Ihns - Superintendent
  • Jeff Siebersma - Principal, IHS
  • Kelli Rixner - Vice-Principal, IHS
  • Lee Nelson - Activities Director, IHS
  • Kristy Ellis - Principal, IMS
  • Mike O'Meara - Vice-Principal, IMS


Elizabeth Winjum and Kelly Meyers for spearheading fundraising efforts! Thank you for making this show a reality!


Valorie Hagener for wearing many different hats during this season including director, accompanist, measure-meister, and babysitter!


All of the parents that helped with building set pieces and sewing costumes!


All of the parents that donated snacks to the kiddos!


All of you sitting in the audience for consistently supporting the arts! We love you! 





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