Aristocats - December 08 - December 10, 2022

Innovations Academy






Welcome to Innovations Academy Performing Arts. I'm so excited to bring you the first show in this year's season. I have always loved this story, at its core is the love we have for our animal companions and the unwavering faith and trust they have in us. It's no secret that I love animals, that’s why I’m so happy that we are partnering with East County Animal Rescue and A Way Home For Dogs. My family and I have two rescue dogs and two rescue cats (we actually adopted our youngest cat from ECAR last year). The joy that they bring to our lives is immeasurable. I do hope you can reach out and help their organizations by donating or maybe even adopting one of their wonderful animals.


I want to say thank you to a lot of people. It is no small feat to put together a show like this.


Thank you to my cast and crew, you have all worked so hard to bring this story to life and I love and admire each and every one of you. To Michelle and Elise for working tirelessly to costume all of my actors. To you, our fantastic parents, thank you for helping. To Salem for her beautiful T-shirt/poster designs yet again. To Amanda (and Mimi) who put in countless hours to make so much of this process happen, I appreciate you more than I could ever say. Thank you to Freddy, you are selfless in your dedication and commitment, I would be lost without you! And to Christine, without you, none of this would even be possible. I am so thankful for your tireless devotion and commitment to all our IA families and community.


Please enjoy the show.

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