Check Please! - June 01 - June 02, 2017

James A. Garfield High School

 End Notes 

Two years ago, I asked my 10th grade English class if they wanted to do a play as an end of the year project.


"Sure," they said. It sounds chill.


We did a class read through of A Midsummer Night's Dream. They auditioned for roles, learned lines, made a set out of construction paper and classroom chairs, and we invited a few classes to see us.


It was fun. Everyone said good job. I knew I wasn't teaching 11th grade English in the Fall, so we said our goodbyes on the last day of school. "Have a nice summer, Patacsil!"


A few months later, on the first day of school, they knocked on my door.


"Let's do this again," they asked, "as a club."





Two years and two shows later, we're finally ready to premiere our work on the Main Stage. It's been a long road for those 10th graders, and they've sacrificed so much to get here. Because of their courage and work, Garfield now has a Theatre Program.


They're going to college in the Fall and many of them are majoing in Theatre. One of them already has a job lined up with LA Theatre Center when he graduates.


Good for them. May they be the first of many graduating classes that pursue this as a career.


Audience- thanks for being here. We hope you enjoy our show.


Mr. Dominic Patacsil
























GHS Drama Presents will return in the Spring of 2018

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