A FAMILY MATTER - September 16

KZFrazier Drama Company


KZFrazier Drama Company


About the Director



Kerry-Ann Z. Frazier, along with her husband Daryl Frazier are founders and owners of KZFrazier Drama Company. Kerry-Ann, who is the writer and directer of each production  is a licensed Minister of the Gospel through Christian House of Prayer. She is also  an International Drama Director with the Eagles Training Institute, a published author, playwright, actress and social worker. In her spirit of excellence, Kerry-Ann has completed her Bachelor’s degree from the University of Maryland with a focus in Education and Psychology, a Master’s degree in Education and Training from University of Phoenix and a second Master’s degree of Social Work from the University of Southern California. Kerry-Ann is a Licensed Social Worker and Director of the Healthy Homes Program in Harker Heights Texas. 


Kerry-Ann began on stage at age five and has led in drama for over 20 years.  She is also an accomplished Dance Minister, and conference speaker. She utilizes dance in dramatic presentations and in training work-shops because she believes that the visual interpretation of the word of God has a lasting effect because the move of the Holy Spirit causes strong holds to be broken and captives to be set free. She believes that drama can impact, influence and inspire change as well as impart hope to a dying world.  As a playwright, Kerry-Ann has written numerous original scripts to include: “Were You There”, a theatrical production of the crucifixion of Jesus; “Never Too Late”, a story of the love of God and his redemptive plan for mankind; “Power of a Woman of God”, loosely based on Nabal and Abigail. She has also written,  "The Prodigal", "Why am I Still Single?",  “I Do, Don’t I?”, and “Marriage Matters” – all explorations of relationships; “Behind Closed Doors”, “Fragmented Lives” “Out of the Ashes” “A Family Matter", and host of other dramas. As a drama director Kerry-Ann also teaches the basic concepts of drama and stage presence while managing a diverse group of beginning, intermediate and advance drama ministers.  As an author Kerry Ann has published three books, “An Exploration of My Thoughts” “Hineni, The Drama Minister’s Response to the Call”, and “Restored, From Mourning to Dancing”.  She believes in writing the vision plainly so that those who see her work on stage will have a clear understanding and healing, restoration and reconciliation will take place.