The Addams Family - February 05 - February 07, 2015

Kempner H S

 Crew Who's Who 

  • Noah Ainsworth* head shot

    Noah Ainsworth*

    Stage Manager

    Noah Ainsworth is a Senior this year, and is excited to be stage managing for the third time in two years. This is his second musical, and his sixth show, and he is looking forward to the rest of the year with Catwalk Theatrical Company.

  • Gabriel Johnson head shot

    Gabriel Johnson

    Assistant Stage Manager

    Gabriel is 16 years old, a Junior, and is currently in his first year involved with theatre. He’s looking forward to the rest of this and next year’s productions, and he plans to take an active role in them.

  • Melissa Monterosso* head shot

    Melissa Monterosso*

    Props/Spotlight Operator

    Melissa is finishing up her 4th and final year in KHS Theatre. She hopes to major in animation in the future. She is also pretty cool.

  • Ashley Castro head shot

    Ashley Castro

    Light Technician

    Ashley is a Sophomore, and she was last seen on the KHS stage in "Shakespeare in Hollywood" as a fairy. She also helped out with the theatre department's haunted house. She's being doing theatre since middle school, and has always preferred working backstage or doing tech. She's enjoyed helping out with this show, and learning how to work the lights.

  • Josh Starling head shot

    Josh Starling

    Sound Technician

    Josh is a cool dude. And, he wishes his fellow sound technician, David Iglesias, would have taken a photo so he could be in the "Who's Who" too!








*Initiated member of Kempner High School Thespian Troupe 4385.

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