Anything Goes - March 03 - March 05, 2022

Lampeter-Strasburg High School



To the cast, crew, and pit: Thank you for all the hard work. It truly keeps the show afloat! 

Paul: We are so proud of you. Can’t wait to see your next act! Love, Mom & Dad

Cara, Norah, & Elliot: I love sailing through life with you as my crewmates!

Bowman, Maya: It has been a joy to watch you grow into such a talented and confident performer. We look forward to watching your upcoming performance at NYU!
Love, Dad, Mom & Marissa.

Erik, Jo, & Rob: I love co-piloting this ship with you year after year.  Thank you for your ...friendship!

Dyer, Lana: Excited to see you in this performance! Good luck! We are proud of you and we love you!

Ethan, Scott, Meg, Adam & Susan: Thank You for creating calm waters and smooth sailing!

Katie Wieand: Thank you for all the years of lessons and encouragement. - Paul


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