Nothing in the world compares to pure imagination. Colors are brighter, and smells are richer. Sounds are more harmonic – and tastes? Well, tastes are pure perfection. All your favorite flavors perfectly compliment each other, even when they shouldn’t. It’s pure imagination.
The first time I first saw Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory starring Gene Wilder, I was with a bunch of my cousins in my aunt’s basement while our parents were upstairs preparing Thanksgiving dinner. My seven-year-old self was enthralled with the music. I felt as if Pure Imagination was written just for me. The Candy Man made me feel as if there was always at least one person who could make the world taste good. At the most random moments Oompa Loompa Dippity Doo would play in my head. The next week I rushed to the library and read Roald Dahl’s classic, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and my love for the story only grew. Bad little children got their just due, and good children were justly rewarded. If given the chance, I could have stayed in that chocolate factory forever. I only hope you can feel the same while watching this production.
Our children have had so much fun preparing for this adventure. They’ve been singing the songs, learning the choreography, and practicing their lines over and over again. It’s been exhausting, but oh so rewarding. A story about children and chocolate just makes you smile.
A special thanks goes to our awesome PTA for funding our production. Holton has always been a wonderful place to learn and grow, and this is due in no small part to our awesome PTA which has always been dedicated to supplementing our students' learning environment, and allowing them to have unique, and fulfilling experiences.
On a personal note, I’d like to thank my fellow teachers at Holton who always have my back and step in to help wherever they see a need. Alexis Poe, Amy Harr, Todd Patterson, Matt Gaskin, Travis Clark, and everyone else. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Enjoy the show.
L. Rochelle Turnage