Kennis Bennett
as Candy Man (Cast A+B)
Kennis Bennett is a 5th-grade student with a bubbly personality, always eager to help and support her peers. She enjoys singing, digital creation, and playing soccer. Kennis serves as the Vice President of the National Honor Society, is a Safety Patrol Lieutenant, and is a member of the SPACE program. This is her fifth time participating in the Happy Holton play. Kennis would like to thank her classmates, Ms. Turnage, and everyone who made this production possible.
Soren Brabrand
as Mrs. Gloop (Cast B)
Soren Brabrand is in 5th grade with Ms. Tam as her teacher. She has done gymnastics for six years and is a silver gymnast at Aerial East gymnastics. She has performed in a A Kid’s Life and Willy Wonka Jr. with Ms. Turnage. Soren is thankful for her friends for encouraging her to do the play and for Ms. Turnage, Ms. Poe, and Mrs. Harr for making it happen!
Falyn Carr-Winston
as Mrs. Beauregarde (Cast A+B)
Falyn has a passion for acting, singing and dancing. Holton has fostered a love for the stage that Falyn will always appreciate. Her first play at Holton was the Little Mermaid Jr. and from there, she went on to play in “A Kid’s Life” and the Spring 2024 performance of “Willy Wonka Jr’. Falyn is honored to be returning to the stage this year and would like to thank all of her family and friends for their constant support and love.
Winx Conway
as Mrs. Bucket (Cast B)
Winx is in the 4th grade and very excited about being in Wonka again. She plays soccer with her friends at school, loves to draw, and play Roblox. Her teachers are Ms.Poe and Ms. Brannan and her favorite subject is math. Winx wants to thank her parents, brothers, grandmothers and friends.