The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe - December 08 - December 10, 2017

Lubbock High School

 Director's Note 


Welcome to the third show of the LHS Westerner Player’s 2017-2018 Season! We are so glad you chose to spend a couple of hours with us this weekend.

Mr. Kocurek-Gentry and I firmly believe in the unifying force of a theatrical production. Today’s show is a culmination of three months of rehearsals for students in the LHS feeder pattern ranging from third through twelfth grades. We have memorized lines, learned to do stage fighting, discussed and analyzed the script and our parts in it, and built friendships based on the experience that bridge our age gaps. If we did nothing more than that, our time would have been well spent.

However, it is all of our hope that you walk away with this story written on your hearts like it is written on ours. In a world full of Winter, wonder is as close as a closet, redemption is a sacrifice away, and Summer is coming!


May the magic of Narnia stay with you in all seasons,


Tanis Blount



LHS Teacher




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