Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka JR. -

Mae Jemison High School

 Who's Who 

  • Wyatt Howard head shot

    Wyatt Howard

    as Willy Wonka/Candy Man

    Wyatt is a senior in College Academy at Mae Jemison and has been involved with the theatre since his junior year. He enjoys both acting on the stage and working behind the scenes on crew. He is known by his peers for his well-roundedness but also his aloofness. Wyatt has decided to study Computer Engineering at UAH with the decision help of his good friend Sterling.

  • Brody Besherse head shot

    Brody Besherse

    as Candy Man/Willy Wonka

    Brody Besherse, a senior, finds profound fulfillment in the community theater offers, where support and inspiration abound, both on stage and off. With a penchant for spending ample time in theater, Brody's prior experience spans from school plays to performances at Fantasy Playhouse during elementary years. Participating in this production fills Brody with excitement, eager to leave an indelible mark on the theater's legacy. Gratitude pours forth for Mr. Lewis and Sterling, whose tireless efforts ensure the success of each production. Supported by Mr. Lewis, Jake, Wyatt, and Sterling, Brody reflects proudly on the cast's achievements, eager to witness their continued growth even after his departure.

  • Zachary Elison head shot

    Zachary Elison

    as Charlie Bucket

    Zachary, a freshman at Jemison, dives into his first theatre experience with excitement and pride. He cherishes the camaraderie with friends and the transformative experience of stepping into different characters on stage. When not rehearsing, Zachary can be found lost in a good book, as reading is one of his favorite hobbies. A heartfelt thank you to his parents for their time and dedication in getting him to rehearsals. Zachary appreciates the support from his friends and the teachers at Jemison who have helped him master his lines and music. A fun fact about Zachary: he loves doing theatre alongside the people he cares about most!

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