Letters to Sala - March 25 - April 02, 2023

Main Street Theatre Company

  Director's Note  


Director’s Note


Many times, as theatrical artists, we are drawn to certain projects for various reasons. Whether it is the compelling characters, the relatable story or the importance of a story that must be told. I was drawn to “Letters to Sala” for all these reasons and more. As a third generation German American I have often reflected on this time period and how I, as a non Jew, would have reacted and behaved in response to the hatred and cruelty of the day. This compelled me even more to explore Sala’s story and move closer to a personal reconciliation. During the process I often asked myself, would I have the courage to do the right thing in the shadow of government retribution, loss of personal wealth and safety? I found this question haunting but necessary to keep at the top of my thoughts and emotions. I pray that I would always have the kindness of the Pacha family, the strength of Ala Gertner and the courage of Sala, if ever faced with this question. Please enjoy our presentation of this important story, listen to it, feel it and learn from it.


Kevin Gunther



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