The Lightning Thief - March 22 - March 24, 2024

Manchester Central High School Maskers

 Crew Who's Who 

  • Nancy Apollo

    Stage Manager

    Nancy is a senior at Central High School and very excited for the audience to see the show! This is her third year and fifth show in Maskers. She currently is the President of the club and the stage manager of the show.

  • Katherine Thorner

    Light Board Operator

    Katherine Thorner has been an avid member of the theater community since she was eight years old. Since then she has participated in over 30 productions at the palace theater, 3 maskers shows, and has been involved in many other theater activities. Katherine’s love for music and performing has driven her to take part in honors jazz and classical Allstate, as well as other musical festivals around the state. Katherine is a part of the tech crew for this production of The Lightning Thief to gain a new perspective on theater. She now loves being a performer, and working lights too. She is very excited to be a part of maskers once again!

  • Logan Lefebvre

    Sound Board Operator

    Logan Lefebvre is so happy to be here,This is his second time on mic board for Maskers, with his past show being Clue. His prior experience stems from past Central Assemblies, such as band concerts and pep rallies. Logan has also been in charge of camera work for Maskers, and all of the photos that go into the Instagram. He's learned so much from this year and is excited to put it to the test. If anything, he's here to keep the show running smoothly and to put smiles on people's faces.

  • Owen Kizak

    Spotlight Operator

    Owen is a senior and this is his fifth show, please enjoy. 

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