SCENE 2: An Alleyway, Early Morning
SCENE 3: The Home of Dr. Winslow
SCENE 4: The Alleyway, Scene of Murder
SCENE 5: The Police Station
SCENE 6: 309 Berner Street, After Dark
SCENE 2: The Police Station
SCENE 3: The Home of Dr. WInslow
SCENE 4: Crispin Street, After Dark
SCENE 5: The Same Dark Street, A Few Minutes Later
SCENE 6: The Home of Dr. Winslow
SCENE 7: The Police Station
SCENE 8: Barker's Row, Apartment 3, After Dark
SCENE 2: The Police Station
SCENE 3: 309 Aldgate Street
SCENE 4: The Home of Dr. Winslow
SCENE 5: Inside the Ruined Church of Saint Anne
SCENE 6: A Dark Street, Near the Church
SCENE 7: Another Dark Street, Near the Church
SCENE 8: Inside the Church
TIME AND PLACE: 1888 - London
There will be a 15 minute intermission between ACT II & ACT III.
Refreshments and drinks are available in the lobby
for a freewill donation.