Yes, Virginia There is a Santa Claus - December 18 - December 19, 2018

McLean 6th Grade Center


In September 1897, Francis Pharcellus Church, a former Civil War correspondent and editor at the New York Sun, received a letter from the then 8-year-old Virginia O'Hanlon.  In her letter, young Virginia wrote:


Dear Editor,

I am 8 years old.  Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Clause.  Papa says, "If you see it in the Sun, it's so." Please tell me the truth, is there a Santa Clause?


Virginia O'Hanlon

115 West Ninety-Fifth Street


Church's then anonymous editorial page reply eventually became, and remains, a perennial favorite.  Translated into dozens of languages, Church's testament to the spirit of Christmas has the notable distinction of being the most reprinted newspaper editorial.


It is also interesting to note in 2006 Virginia's great-granddaughter brought the original letter to the Antiques Roadshow, where it was appraised at a value of $20,000 - $30,000.

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