Big Fish - June 25

McLean High

    Thank You    


The cast and crew of Big Fish would like to thank our inspiring, tireless, visionary director Miss Amy Poe for her five years of fierce dedication to McLean’s theatre program. We all feel so lucky to have had her as our fearless leader. Miss Poe has pushed all of her students to achieve the seemingly impossible, and never lets us settle for less than our best. She has not only inspired a lifelong passion for theatre in countless students, but has created a family of artists that values acceptance, integrity, and community. We will never forget her rallying speeches, her crazy (but genius) conceptual dreams, and her brilliant words of wisdom. There are many memorable Poe-isms, but the most resonant of all of these being our company motto: “tradition doesn’t guarantee success, hard work does.” Miss Poe has been a constant source of inspiration and motivation. Her guidance not only as a teacher, but as a mentor and a friend, has been invaluable to so many of us, and many lives have been changed thanks to her unwavering devotion to her students. Though we will all miss her immensely next year, we wish Miss Poe the best in all of her future adventures and know that her passion for art and for life will live on in each of her students.

She is the hero of our story. Thank you, Miss Poe. We love you. 





McLean Theatre Company also wishes to Thank


Jared Creason, Aaron Fensterheim, Kim Johnson, Riki Kim, Bobby McCoy,

 Karen Perry, Gavin Lambert, Lynne Lawhead, Brent and Linda Stone

without whom this production or trip would not be possible.


MHS Custodians,  Juliana Cofrancesco, Margot DeLapp, George Farnsworth, Yvonne French, Paul Hogroain, Jessica Kelty, Kevin Kerndt,

 Carol Pappas, Mary Pfeil, Susan Posey, Lisa Richter, Sarah Swett, Joanne Wertz and all of our wonderful, hard working parent volunteers for their time and expertise, especially the flower crew.


Jim Hoare & Theatrical Rights Worldwide

Dan Stratman, Jesse Snyder, Jess Hibbard and Lied Center Crew

Nancy Brown, Jim Curtis, Michael Hunter & Thespian Festival Staff,

Shannon Stewart & Stewart Independent Prouductions

Brett Copes & Fight or Flight Entertainment

Sarah Jane Arnegger & Playbill VIP


And, finally, a special thank you to three individuals involved in the original Broadway Production of Big Fish – Andrew Lippa (Composer and Lyricist), 

Jeff Whiting (Associate Director) and Ryan Andes (Karl, The Giant) for their time, advice and expertise and support of our show.  

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