"Bad Auditions" and "The Internet is Distract–OH LOOK A KITTEN!" - November 20 - November 21, 2020

Millburn Sr High

 Crew Who's Who 

  • Paul Weinstein


    Paul’s involvement with and love of theatre began as a child and has continued ever since. After receiving his Bachelor’s in English and Film Studies and his Master’s in Education, he has taught English, Drama, Journalism, and Video Production at David Brearley High School in Kenilworth since 1997. Over his career, Paul has directed over 30 musicals and dramas both at Brearley and at Millburn, where he has been directing since 2007. Paul would like to thank Jessica Siegel and Angela Bardes for all of their hard work in making this production a reality, especially in a year as crazy as this. Additionally, he wants to express how proud he is of his wonderful cast for all of their hard work and dedication over the last two and a half months of staring at him on a screen. Lastly, he would like to thank his wife Alyssa for all of her support and patience, and Ben, Maddie, and Luna for making him smile every day. As always, Paul dedicates this show to his mother.

  • Zev Marinoff


    Zev Marinoff is the official artist of the Millburn High School Limelight program. His artwork has been selected for inclusion in the Celebrating Art Spring 2019 Anthology and the "Inspired Minds" exhibition at the Herb + Milly Iris Gallery at SOPAC. Zev sometimes eats and sleeps when not working on some sort of art-related activity.



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