A theatre production has so many moving parts that it really does take a village! All of these individuals and groups made the show that you are watching possible.
Thank you to Mr. Brett Berry for all of his assistance in making this show happen.
Thank you to all of our custodial staff for setting up, cleaning up, and a million other things.
Thank you to Mr. Chuck McEvers and his classes for giving us great set pieces. The students who work with him out in his shop continue to provide the pieces we need year after year.
Thank you to all of our crew and casts' parents who drove them to rehearsals, encouraged them, and were, in general, so helpful.
Thank you to Kaleb Whitehead and Savanah Campbell for distributing the posters for the show to advertise.
Thank you to our wonderful volunteers who took money at the door.
Thank you to the North Greene Elementary School for letting our cast preview part of the show to their students.
Thank you to White Hall Nursing and Rehibilitation Center for also allowing our students to showcase part of the show to their residents.
Thank you to everyone else who gave their time and energy to make sure that this show happened.
And a big shoutout and thank you to all of the students who worked so hard to put this show together.