You Can't Take It With You - December 01 - December 03, 2022

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 End Notes 

Thank you for joining us for our performance. Many students have put in much time and energy to bring you this play. Please remember to take a moment to turn off cell phones or pagers, and enjoy our concessions in the commons at intermission. 


Our students are preparing for Regional and State Thespian Festival and we could use your support! It is costly to send our students to festival--your support means so much and helps our students out so much. We have T-Shirts and Coffee mugs for sale along with concessions to help raise money to help out our families who cannot otherwise afford these trips that are so important for our student growth!


If you are interested in helping provide support for our Theatre Program through the Booster Club, please see Mrs. Veneris or Tanya Briones after tonight’s performance.


Special Thanks to:

Mr. Naglee

Mr. Cantey

Mrs. Hudson

Mrs. Moore

Dr. Mutawally

Mrs. Ashley Scarbro, Cultural Arts Dept. Chair

Mrs. Lenny Sue French, Chorus

Mrs. Tanya Briones, Playmakers Booster President

Mrs. Debbie Ivey, and the Mendenhall Middle School Drama Club for loaning set pieces

Jocelyn Martinez for taking cast photos




About the play:


You Can't Take It With You was written in the mid 1930's in a very different America than the one we know today. The Sycamores are a loving family as were the authors of the play. The play is dated in some areas, namely the characters of Donald and Rheba. We have worked with the publishers and the estate of the authors to update the language while keeping the context of this very funny play. 


References to the likes of Grace Kelly and Fred Asatire help set the time period, as well as use of a printing press. 


Other terms to know:

  • A monastery is a place that monks live in solitary to focus on their religion.
  • Kit Kat Club: represents any vibrant nightclub in the 20's and 30's
  • "G-Men", is short for Government Officials; "J-Men" are Officials from the Justice Department;
  • the Czar was the ruler of Russia before the Revolution, which ended in 1923
  • Rasputin was a close friend of Czar Nicholas of Russia and considered a mystic
  • WPA: Works Progress Administration--a program ceated by Roosevelt to put Americans to work building many projects across America--part of "The New Deal"


It would also help to understand that income tax laws were not put into place in America until 1913, so were still relatively new at this time.


We hope this helps you enjoy your evening!

-Jai Johnson and Mrs. Veneris


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