Come From Away - September 07

Pay It Forward 9/11


There are so many people to thank who had a hand in making this night possible. A huge thank you to the Lorton Volunteer Fire & Rescue Department for providing the community hall and volunteer staff members at no cost to make this event possible! 


Thank you to Peggy Ann for the use of your projector! We wouldn't have a show without your contribution!


Thank you to all of the special guests for volunteering their time for the recorded and live interviews. To all of our extended family in Gander, thank you for being a continued source of inspiration for our kindness movement! Thank you to Come From Away's original producer Michael Rubinoff for granting me access to film in the theatre in Gander, Co-Writers Irene Sankoff and David Hein for their continued freindship and support, and Junkyard Dog Producers Sue Frost & Randy Adams for giving us your blessing to put on this event. Thank you Kevin Tuerff for giving me the creative liberty and wings to put this event together.


Thank you to Beverley Bass, Diane Davis, Nick and Diane Marson, Kevin Tuerff, and Brian Williams for providing so many original photos of the events in Gander. An extra special thank you to Gander's Tourism Development Officer Brian Williams and Gander Mayor Percy Farwell for donating the "Commander Gander" plushies!


Thank you to all the local businesses for allowing us to put up flyers promoting the event and donations to the charity raffle.


Last, but certainly not least, thank you to all the wonderful people of Newfoundland for what you did during the events of 9/11. You may think you were just making sandwiches and toutons, but your incredible kindness to those 7000 stranded passengers really showed us the best of what we are capable of. I hope we can all strive to be more like you.

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