Clue - November 18 - November 21, 2021

Pelham Memorial HS

 End Notes 



If ever there was a time to laugh, now was it! And so we decided to find a piece that was one part nostalgic, one part mystery, and ninety-eight parts comedy. That show is CLUE.


CLUE began its life as a board game called CLUEDO in 1949, and has been a part of game nights across the world ever since. We are presented with six suspects, six murder weapons, six locations and are asked to figure out whodunnit, where, and how.


In 1985 Paramount Pictures turned the game into a film with an all-star cast that quickly developed a cult following. Due to the movie’s cult status, it was adapted into both a musical and a comic play – the latter you will see here today. But whodunnit?

Is it Mrs. Peacock in the Kitchen with a lead pipe?

Colonel Mustard in the Conservatory with the dagger?

Professor Plum in the Dining Room with the rope?

Miss Scarlet in the Lounge with the wrench?

Mr. Green in the Hall with the revolver?

Miss White in the Billiard Room with the candlestick?

Who is the murderer? Who is the victim? Is anyone who they claim to be?


As you try to unravel the mysteries, you may just laugh yourself….to death!


Kudos go out to our actors for making their way back to the stage after two years’ absence. Thank you for joining them and keeping theatre alive. Whether jumping in shock or laughing at the silliness, unlike the game of CLUE itself, you’ll never be BOARD.


--T. Beck & N. Schleifer

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